Saturday, June 26, 2010


“You have the greatest job in the world” is a comment we hear frequently at Revolution Studios. It is a rewarding complement to say the least and we do not take it for granted. Owning and running one of the most successful commercial photo studios in the Triangle has been challenging but even more rewarding. Hearing our client’s feedback regarding their perspective on our service simply reinforces why we got into the business in the first place.

The studio is growing and evolving more than ever. In the past year we have grown our portrait business over 350%, hired a digital retouching artist, purchased all new photo and computer equipment and up-fitted a truly unique and modern studio that is like no other. Dan and Somer will be the first to tell you that they feel blessed for the growth of the business and credit the Lord first and foremost.

We are making yet another change and placing a serious commitment to this blog, so that it acts as a voice of our studio as well as showcasing our latest work. Here you will find articles about how we approach photographing our clients, standards and practices with our studio, new trends that we are setting. We hope you enjoy learning more about “Our Greatest Job in the World.”