Monday, July 26, 2010

Who says Family Portraits can't be Hollywood???

At Revolution Studios we are rolling out the red carpet for your next family or child photography session and it is sure to get the paparazzi’s attention.
From modern sets to artistic lighting we have all the tools to wow your biggest fans even if they are Grandpa and Grandma!
Dan and Somer love what they do and it shows! From the laughter they bring to the set, to their artistic professionalism that is present throughout the entire experience, every shoot reveals their creative synergy that makes their services stand out.  So if your family and children are ready for the limelight or just the shot that captures that, we have the session for you!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Balance

Well normally we would be writing our weekly blog about a posing class, how to prepare for a session, lighting, or our business ethics, but today Somer and I are on vacation with our five kids. Yes five kids!!! (Most people can’t believe we have five kids but I’m here to tell you that I counted them this morning and sure enough we have five.) Somer and I value any and all time with our children as we were both married previously and share our children’s time with our ex’s. With that said, I thought I would share our thoughts on the value of a vacation from the perspective of the owners of Revolution Studios.

Here at Revolution Studios we work 5-6 Days a week. We reserve Monday – Friday for all Headshots, Modeling Photography, and Portrait Sessions including: Boudoir, Bridal, Engagement, Senior, Infant, Child and Family Portraits. Our wedding photography usually occurs about every other weekend on average. Although we receive many requests for our portrait work during the weekend we simply have to refuse as we know the value of making time for our family.

I have heard multiple times that the Europeans have mastered their work/ personal ethics. I saw some of this first hand when I went to Italy while in the Marine Corps. All of the retail shops would open late, and close for about 2 hours during lunch time and then work through mid to late evening. Their reasoning was that they would work morning hours and then need a mid day break to take a long lunch, run errands, take a nap, or do whatever they wanted. I was also told that most Europeans take 30 Days of vacation on average a year. In America the average is about 1-2 weeks. Interestingly enough, did you know that all Military Personnel get 30-Days Paid Vacation a Year from day one no matter what rank you are? With one of the toughest jobs in our nation, our government still knows the value of giving our troops time to relax and take a break. Pretty impressive.

To help maintain the balance at Revolution Studios, we are trying to take about 30 days vacation as well. In the past 12 months Somer and I have gone to San Diego, Miami, Las Vegas and Orlando (twice). I can assure you that the balance pays off. We come to work much more refreshed and focused. Creativity takes inspiration, a fresh mindset, outside perspectives and a positive attitude. These things would be hard to attain without time off and away.

So anyway, we are surrounded by theme parks, our kids going a thousand miles an hour and all of the rewards of being our best, away from work. We are truly blessed to be entrepreneurs here in America and given these opportunities by our Lord and Savior. We wish you the same blessings!!!